Nasal Alar Stents provide a method to address nasal valve stenosis and can be done in conjunction with septoplasty and tubinoplasty. This crucial procedure can be performed by our specialists at Fort Worth ENT and can greatly improve ear, nose, and throat health.
Nasal Alar Stents For Nasal Valve Stenosis
Abnormalities of the upper lateral cartilage is associated with narrowing of the internal nasal valve, which causes a reduction in the nasal airflow. The ALAR™ Nasal Valve Stent and Surgical Technique provides a novel method to address nasal valve stenosis. The stent is easily deployed following repositioning of the cartilagesand holds the tissue in place during the healing process. The stent is removed in approximately 10 days. Benefits of the procedure include no external incision, no permanent implant, and no donor cartilage.
If you would like an appointment with one of our physicians at Fort Worth ENT & Sinus please complete an online appointment request or phone 817-332-8848.